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HFR Industry Reports – Master Subscription

Current subscription begins with the Q2 2024 series of reports

HFR Global Report is currently available. HFR Asia Report & HFR Emerging Markets Report are to be published in mid August. HFR Market Microstructure Report is to be published in mid September.

Everything You Need to Know About Hedge Funds, Delivered Quarterly

HFR’s Industry reports give you information you won’t get anywhere else. Pulling data from a comprehensively vast set of resources, we provide actionable insight and cutting-edge analysis. By purchasing our reports, you:

  • See global and regional trends
  • Make connections between different sectors
  • Dig into emerging and alternative markets
  • Get insight into Asian markets
  • Explore the market at a microlevel

In your business, knowledge is power. We put the whole world in your hands.

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Explore Our Reports

The global outlook. Specific markets. The details that make up the big picture. Our reports give it all to you. Find the ones that are right for you.

Global Hedge Fund Industry Report

Current hedge fund trends and historical data across strategies and geographic regions, combined into an essential all-in-one report. Valuable data for hedge fund firm strategy, market positioning and for investor knowledge building.

Market Microstructure

Delve into enhanced coverage of hedge fund fees, industry service provider usage, the performance of diversity managers and more.

Asian Hedge Fund Report

Stay current on the trends and characteristics of one of the fastest growing areas of the hedge fund industry. The report is for investors, managers and service providers with an Asian regional investment focus.

Emerging Markets Industry Report

Follow the fluctuating growth and composition of the universe of hedge funds investing in Emerging Markets. Includes regional-level coverage of important Emerging Markets.

It’s Everything You Need to Know About The Industry

What do our reports contain?

  • Hedge fund industry size
  • Assets
  • Asset flows
  • Fund launches
  • Liquidations

By looking at all the data, we create comprehensive performance reports that give professionals the edge they need.

View a full list of materials for each report